Tutoriel n°3 : Accéder à une base de données SQL

Étape 2 : Créer une transaction

Now that your SQL connector is set up, you will have to add a transaction: Click on your connector, click on the Palette tab where you have to Drag & Drop the SQL Transaction component.
Name your transaction "get_references".
Now click on your transaction, then click on the Query property. Click the [...] button to open the SQL query editor. In this window, you will have to paste the following content : Once you will have clicked the "OK" button, it will automatically create the c8o_title" variable.
SELECT * FROM rnc_references
WHERE strpos(LOWER(title), '{c8o_title}') > 0
Now that you integrated it, execute your transaction by right clicking your transaction and selecting "Execute". It will display the data from the database.
Succès !

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